Effect of Rhythmic Cooling on Some Ethological and Biochemical Indices in Rats with Experimental Depression


  • V. V. Lomako Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov
  • L. M. Samokhina L.T. Malaya Institute of therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov


rhythmic cold effects, depression, behavior, proteinase, α-1-inhibitor of proteinases, αlpha-2-macroglobulin, rats


There were investigated the action of rhythmic cold effects (RCE) on behavioral structure and activity of proteinase inhibitor of proteinases system in rats with the model of endogenous depression (ED). Rhythmic cold effects on rats with ED contribute to the normalization of arterial pressure, partial restoration of behavioral structure and formation of searching activity elements that obviously occurs due to activation of non-specific protective organism reactions, restoration of disordered rhythm of CNS functional activity. During endogenous depression and RCE there is observed a significant activation of reactions of limited proteolysis and carrying-out of RCE in rats with ED contributes to the restoration of balance shift in proteinase proteinase-inhibitor system, probably transferring it to a new level of functioning.




How to Cite

Lomako, V. V., & Samokhina, L. M. (2011). Effect of Rhythmic Cooling on Some Ethological and Biochemical Indices in Rats with Experimental Depression. Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, 21(1), 22–33. Retrieved from http://cryo.org.ua/journal/index.php/probl-cryobiol-cryomed/article/view/151



Theoretical and Experimental Cryobiology