Low Temperature Preservation and Storage of Placental Biological Derivatives
placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic membrane, serum, placental cells, cord blood, cryopreservationAbstract
The paper covers the actual tasks in low temperature storage of such placental biological derivatives as: cell-free material, cell suspensions, placental tissue, umbilical cord and fetal membranes. Depending on the purposes for biological specimen storage the main research directions in this field are as follows: diagnostic, experimental, clinical, establishment of donor or personal low temperature bank. Nowadays of a top priority is designing the methods for freeze-drying, hypothermic storage, and cryopreservation with different temperature regimens.
Probl Cryobiol Cryomed 2015; 25(4):291-311.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Vladimir Yu. Prokopyuk, Oksana V. Falko, Irina B. Musatova, Olga S. Prokopyuk, Oleksandr O. Royenko, Elena O. Terekhova, Oleg V. Chub

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