Blood Leukocyte Indices in Young and Aged Rats Under Desynchronosis Initiation Against the Background of Preventive Whole-body Cryostimulation


Ключевые слова:

blood leukocytes, integral leukocyte indices, desynchronosis, whole body cryostimulation, age, rats


Probl Cryobiol Cryomed 2024; 34(3):201–212

Биографии авторов

Viktoria Lomako, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Department of Cryophysiology

Oleksandr Shylo, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Department of Cryophysiology

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Lomako, V., & Shylo, O. (2023). Blood Leukocyte Indices in Young and Aged Rats Under Desynchronosis Initiation Against the Background of Preventive Whole-body Cryostimulation. Проблемы криобиологии и криомедицины, 34(3), 201–212. извлечено от



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